Candidates must follow the official syllabus and pattern to meet the requirements of the CLAT exam. CLAT UG 2025 is a 2-hour test with 120 multiple-choice questions carrying 1 mark each and a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer. CLAT 2025 Syllabus and Question Paper is divided into five Sections:
English Language (22-26 Questions)
This Section provides passages of about 450 words each, taken from contemporary or historically significant fiction and non-fiction, followed by a series of questions to demonstrate the candidate’s comprehension and language skills. Our faculties will help you to easily solve the questions in this Section by guiding you on different topics required to complete the Section. The topics include tenses, synonyms & antonyms, spotting grammatical errors, idioms and phrases, fill in the blanks, active & passive voice, and vocabulary.
Current Affairs, including General Knowledge (28-32 Questions)
In this Section, passages of about 450 words each will be provided, taken from news, journalistic sources, and non-fiction writing, followed by a series of questions to demonstrate the candidate’s awareness regarding current affairs and general knowledge. To easily complete this section, one must cover topics including National & International Affairs, Science & Technology, Summits & conferences, Schemes, Awards & Honors, Sports, Important historical events, and Arts & culture.
Legal Reasoning (28-32 Questions)
This Section will also provide passages of 240 words each, which may relate to scenarios involving legal matters, moral philosophical enquiries, and public policy questions. To complete this Section, one must cover topics related to Concepts of law, Law of Torts, Indian Penal Code, & related concepts, Monism and Dualism, Special Marriage Act, Contract Act, Indian Constitution, Amendments and latest judgments, Law of writs, Various Acts, Personal laws related to Bigamy, Public international law, Legal current affairs, Legal Terms and Maxims.
Logical Reasoning (22-26 Questions)
This Section will feature several short passages, each approximately 450 words long. Following each passage, you will encounter one or more questions that will require you to:
Identify an argument along with its premises and conclusions.
Analyze the arguments presented in the passage.
Critically evaluate reasoning patterns, determining how conclusions may rely on specific premises or evidence, and how changes in these can strengthen or weaken conclusions.
Draw inferences from the passage and apply them to new contexts.
Recognize relationships and analogies, spot contradictions and equivalences, and assess the strength of the arguments.
We will help you to achieve this by guiding you about Statements and arguments, Blood relations, Logical sequences, Clocks, Calendars, Analogies, Series, Seating arrangements, and Syllogisms.
Quantitative Technique (10-14 Questions)
This Section will include short sets of facts or propositions, or other textual representations of numerical information, followed by a series of questions. Candidates have to apply 10th-standard mathematical operations to answer the questions. Basic topics to be covered for effectively completing the Section include Algebra, Profit and loss, Ratios and proportions, Basic algebra, Menstruation, and Statistical estimation.